
Ideas & Inspiration for Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald

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From the publisher’s website:

When beautiful, reckless Southern belle Zelda Sayre meets F. Scott Fitzgerald at a country club dance in 1918, she is seventeen years old and he is a young army lieutenant stationed in Alabama. Before long, the “ungettable” Zelda has fallen for him despite his unsuitability: Scott isn’t wealthy or prominent or even a Southerner, and keeps insisting, absurdly, that his writing will bring him both fortune and fame. Her father is deeply unimpressed. But after Scott sells his first novel, This Side of Paradise, to Scribner’s, Zelda optimistically boards a train north, to marry him in the vestry of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and take the rest as it comes.

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About the suggested projects

For Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, we’re embracing the resplendent Art Deco style of the 1920s. This style infiltrated everything from windows to posters to advertisements to jewelry. The style lends itself well to coloring, painting, and drawing.