Ideas & Inspiration for Shades of Grey
(NOT to be confused with 50 Shades of Gray by E.L. James!)
Find this title at a library near you (US edition).
Find this title at a library near you (British edition).
From Worldcat:
Welcome to Chromatacia, where for as long as anyone can remember society has been ruled by a Colortocracy. Social hierachy is based upon one’s limited color perception. society is dominated by color. In this world, you are what you can see, and Eddie Russett, a better-than-average red perception wants to move up.
Title-specific resources for your Book to Art Club:
- Jasper Fforde’s jam-packed website for Shades of Grey. This book is pretty strange in vocabulary, so check here for dictionaries and bestiaries.
- Fforde’s YouTube channel has three “infoganda” (info-propaganda) from the world of Chromatacia: Lime,Swans, and Yateveo.
- This hour-long Radiolab episode will blow your mind on the topic of color perception.
- Alas, no discussion questions for this novel! If you write some, let us know!
- A Pinterest board full of ideas and inspiration for themed projects.
About the suggested projects:
Bring on the color! This off-kilter yet exhilarating book is all about the color spectrum and the question of how we perceive color. Play in whatever medium you’d like with colors, black, white, and grey/gray. Charcoal, oil pastels, paint – anything that allows you to vary shades by tiny degrees. Gradients can be especially interesting to explore. Oh, and spoons. Have fun!