Virtually Maker Faire

by Ann Miller

Make: magazine created the Maker Faire as a way to gather creative people to showcase what they are making and for people to share ideas with each other. There are Maker Faires now occurring annually all over the world in celebration of arts, crafts, science, technology, engineering and innovation. With the pandemic COVID-19 looming over the world, many Maker Faires were forced to cancel, so Make: created the Virtually Maker Faire this year. I was honored to be selected to run a very special Book to Art Club session for all ages to discuss J. K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.

The entire event came together in only a few weeks, so there wasn’t a lot of time to promote it, but I was pleased with the turnout that we had. Our group was small, but we had a wide range of ages and decent discussion of the reading. I’d like to especially thank my fellow Book to Art Club facilitators who attended. I know that you were invited very last minute, and I sincerely appreciate your support.