September marked the second year of The Great Big Romance Read created by The Ripped Bodice Bookstore, an all-romance bookstore located in Culver City, CA. It is The Great Big Romance Read’s goal to “connect romance readers all over the world and celebrate a shared love of romance by reading the same book during the month of September.”
Another book club that I facilitate, Romance on the Rocks, participated this year, and I am sharing this event because the chosen title, “The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics” by Olivia Waite is more than a historical romance read. It is also a book that inspires women to pursue science careers, a beautifully and sensitively written lesbian romance, and a story that ignites creative visions of stars and botanicals, telescopes and embroidery. In other words, this book is perfect for the Book to Art Club, too!
“The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics” by Olivia Waite has been added to our title list. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did!